1.Explain why the Big Mac is expensive in some countries and much cheaper in other countries. (2:00)
2.What is fair trade? Discuss the reasons the video gives for the advantages of fair trade. (1:14)
3.Explain how the commercial of globalization. Describe how FedEx contributes globalization. (2:28)
4.Explain why water conservation is an important issue in China. (2:04)
5.How important is coal to the United States? What are the pros and cons of coal use in the US and other countries? What is “clean coal?” (0:30)
6.What is outsourcing? How does the commercial stereotype American outsourcing? (1:02)
7.What is the purpose of the commercial? What global issues is the commercial addressing? (0:30)
8.Explain how the commercial is promoting tourism in Texas. How would you promote tourism in your home state (Tennessee)? (0:31)
9.(cool video)Describe the airplane landing in St. Barts. Explain how a longer runway might impact the economy of the island. (2:44)
10. Explain how the commercial is promoting tourism in Australia. How would you promote tourism in the United States? (0:31) (1:30)
11. What is TVA? history? purpose? importance? (0:29)
12. Describe the trip. (10 or more descriptors) What is the most efficient way to travel in the United States? Would the US benefit from having more passenger trains? (5:22)