Videos for Unit 4 - Political Organization and Space                                                                                       Return to Unit Pagevideos.html
Click on the picture to view the video  in a new window. Each video has a prompt for students to reflect on while viewing.
Political Organization & Space


  1. 1.Explain what is means to British. Describe the most English area of the UK. Discuss what is happening to “Britishness.” Describe the most “British” area of the UK. What is the relationship between Asians and British? Explain how “the labels only tell part of the story.”(6:39)

  2. 2.Explain why Starbucks gave away free coffee on November 4th. (1:00)

  3. 3.List three reasons why “we are better together.” (0:49)

  4. 4.Describe the relationship between India and Pakistan. What is the purpose of the commercial? Describe how the commercial is trying to promote communication between the two countries. (3:01)

  5. 5.Describe Dublin. (0:46)

  6. 6.Describe the ethnic history of the former Yugoslavia. (0:21)

  7. 7.The Kentucky All State Choir National Conference: Explain why you think they gathered to sing the national anthem. How did you feel while watching the video? What vocabulary words would you use to describe the video and how you felt watching the video? (2:34)

  8. 8.Explain the history and purpose of gerrymandering. How is Canada different than the US when it comes to voting/elections? (2:19)

  9. 9.Describe Catalonia. Explain why they want to be independent from Spain. (2:01)

  10. 10. Describe this historical event. What is “unthinkable” about this event? (3:54)

  11. 11. Describe five stereotypes of Italians when compared to other Europeans. (5:06)

  12. 12. Explain how the short commercial attempts to demonstrate that Dokdo is part of Korea. (0:30)

  13. 13. Explain the meaning of the short (funny, yet serious) commercial. (0:25)

  14. 14. Describe Dokdo. Why is this small group of islands important to the Koreans? (2:43)

  15. 15. Describe the speech by VP Biden. Why is it important we remember what happened on 9/11? How does the VP try to comfort the victims’s families? (7:25)

  16. 16. What is the purpose of the video? How do Danes welcome people at the airport? Why? (1:43)

  17. 17. Discuss the struggle women have in Saudi Arabia when it comes to the driving ban. Explain why women still cannot drive when there is not an official ban.  (2:22)

  18. 18. Disclaimer: You are not old enough to drink and should never drink... What is purpose of the commercial? Where has the soldier probably been? Explain, “the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.” (1:30)

  19. 19. Describe what it means to be “an American.” What does being an American mean to you? Who makes up America? Who is an American? (1:05)

  20. 20. Describe the border crossing in the film Paradise Lost. How do you think the woman feels as she is crossing the border? What three words would you use to describe the border and the crossing of the border?(1:38)

  21. 21. What is unique about the island? Describe the French culture? the Dutch culture? (2:19)

  22. 22. Describe the purpose and importance of the International Date Line. Explain why the International Date Line does not perfectly follow the 180th meridian. (16:06)

  23. 23. Describe how life in Tuvalu is similar and different to life in the United States. Explain how climate change is impacting Tuvalu. (17:40)

approximately 80 minutes of video to watch