1.Explain how the video illustrates the importance and complexities of English. (40 sec)
2.Describe how the Maine accent is different from your own. (30 sec)
3.Discuss why teaching and learning Irish is important to the people of Ireland. (2:05 min)
4.Describe how English evolved into the language it is today. Use examples from the video. (5:04 min)
5.Explain why the students are learning an English language song in Irish. Are there any similarities between Irish and English languages? (2:50 min)
6.Discuss three ways language impacts Belgium. What language should people speak and why? (3:35 min)
7.Explain how the video is an example of regional dialects. (2:56 min)
8.Discuss the complexities of the Dutch government. How does language impact the government of Belgium? (4:10 min)
9.Discuss how the commercial shows the complexities of learning a language. (1:00 min)
10. How do people respond to the question, “Is the Irish language important?” (8:02 min)
11. How is the commercial a stereotype of the South? (30 sec)
12. Why do Hawaiians want to preserve and promote the Hawaiian language? (30 sec)
13. What is your opinion of the people interviewed about Irish? (1:33 min)
14. What is funny about the short commercial? (49 sec)
15. Discuss three reasons why it is important for the woman in the video to create a dictionary. Discuss three reasons it is difficult to prevent a minority language from becoming extinct. (9:35 min)
16. How does the song illustrate the way of life for people in Harlan, Kentucky? List examples of the southern Appalachian dialect from the song. (6:06 min)
17. Why is the correct pronunciation of Nevada so important to the people of Nevada? (2:16 min)
18. Discuss the importance and difficulty of learning Welsh. (2:50 min)
19. Discuss what is funny about the short commercial. (1:27 min)
20. Discuss the issues with language in Belgium’s government and future as a country. (2:19 min)
21. Write out 8 key facts from the video on the importance of learning multiple languages. (8:53 min)
22. Why is learning proper English important to many people in Singapore? (2:17 min)
23. Discuss the issues with protecting or maintaining a minority language. (2:19 min)
24. Discuss how the German language is similar to English. How is the commercial an example of stimulus diffusion? (27 sec)
25. Discuss why some people in Alabama were offended by this commercial. Why do you think the United States does not have an official language? (32 sec)
26. Discuss why the phone was having a hard time understanding what the man was saying. (1:26 min)
27. Describe throat singing. (1:03 min)
28. Discuss how the Hawaiian alphabet is different from the Roman alphabet. (56 sec)