1. Discuss how the video illustrates one of the unintended consequences of China’s One Child Policy. Identify and explain two additional unintended consequences for population policies like China’s One Child Policy.
2. List ten examples of how the video illustrates the cultural difference between the United States and India. Explain how the video could be an example of migration.
3. Explain how long it took the world to go from 1 billion people to 7 billion people. Identify and discuss two changes / trends in the world’s current population. What examples of inequity are addressed in the short video?
4. For Fun Video - Discuss how the video illustrates that one is never to old to try new things.
5. List at least one key point made for each minute of the video for a minimum total of 13 key facts.
6. What is the most typical person in the world? Explain why this person will be different in the future.
7. For Fun Video - How would you describe the population of the Netherlands (the country featured in the video)?
8. Describe the family in the video. How has being adoption changed the lives of the children featured in the video?
9. Discuss why the person in the video migrated to the United States. Describe the type of life she and her family has in the United States. List three cultural differences between the family in the video compared to your family.
10. List at least one key point made for each minute of the video for a minimum total of 15 key facts.
11. For Fun Video - Explain where in the world the expecting mother (or her husband and extended family) may not be as excited to discover she was having a girl.
12. Discuss why the mother in the video decided to have a second child. What were the consequences of having a second child?
13. For Fun Video - Discuss why the boy in the video is upset to discover his mother is having another baby.
14. Describe what has happened to this small town in Japan. Explain why the woman would make the dolls and place them around town.
15. Use examples from the video to describe the population concerns facing Italy.
16.Describe the family featured in the video. Discuss the impacts of China’s One Child Policy.
17. Explain the title of the video “The 1850s map that changed how we fight outbreaks.” Explain how John Snow was able to detrmine the cause of the cholera outbreaks in London.
18. Use four examples from the video to explain why Itay’s birth rate is so low. What is Italy doign to try to increase its birth rate?