Class Information

Parent Letter

Course Detailed Syllabus   AP Course Description / Standards

Course and Exam Description.pdf (from CollegeBoard)

AP Research Summer Work

Research Paper Rubric.pdf (2018-present)

Course Proficiencies Rubric Outline.pdf (2017-present)

Presentation and Oral Defense Rubric.pdf (2017-present)

Oral Defense Questions.pdf (UPDATED)


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com

Cambridge Core: https://www.cambridge.org/core

Oxford Journals: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/en

Springer: http://link.springer.com

ERIC: https://eric.ed.gov/?advanced

Wilson Center: http://wilsoncenter.org

National Center for Biotechnology Information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

100 Search Engines For Academic Research.pdf

Research Design Textbook.pdf

Research Website Guides

USC Libraries Research Guides: http://libguides.usc.edu

Purdue OWL Research: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/research

Social Science Statistics Home Page: http://www.socscistatistics.com

Citation Style by Discipline

University Library: American University

USC Libraries: Citation Guide

Subject-Specific Resources: Purdue Online Writing Lab

Types of Educational Research: Website

Statistics (Videos)

Annenberg Learner Website: Against All Odds: Inside Statistics

AP Central - AP Research Course Home Page: http://bit.ly/2aPAqsi

TED Talks: https://www.ted.com

Educational TED Talks: http://ed.ted.com


Types of Methods.pdf


Harry Potter Example Paper.pdf

T-Test Link #1   T-Test Link #2

Class Readings and Handouts

Why so many people sleep in McDonald's in Hong Kong - CNN.pdf

Greenland Has The World's Highest Suicide Rate...: NPR.pdf   weblink: http://n.pr/1TkUCT5

Time trend by region of suicides and suicidal thoughts among Greenland Inuit.pdf

Facing History webpage for Race and Membership Book (scroll to the bottom of the page)

AP Research Topics for 2016.xlsx


Vaccines and Autism Article.pdf

Jenny McCarthy Article   YouTube Video

Do these sources work with PAARC? Which one is best source?

  1. Why do Koreans prefer apartments over private houses?   PDF Version

  2. Why dream of a high-rise apartment?   PDF Version

  3. After Decades of Economic Growth, South Korea is the Land of Apartments   PDF Version

Beginning Your Research.pdf

Understanding the IRB.pdf

Inquiry Proposal Form.docx   Inquiry Proposal Form.pdf

Training Sample Papers

Training Sample 1.pdf

Training Sample 2.pdf

Training Sample 3.pdf

Training Sample 4.pdf

Training Sample 5.pdf

Student Research Paper Samples

Student Sample #1.pdf                        Sample #1 2017.pdf

Student Sample #2.pdf                        Sample #2 2017.pdf

Student Sample #3.pdf                        Sample #3 2017.pdf

Student Sample #4.pdf                        Sample #4 2017.pdf

Student Sample #5.pdf                        Sample #5 2017.pdf

Student Sample #6.pdf                        Sample #6 2017.pdf

Student Sample #7.pdf

Student Sample #8.pdf

HHS Research Paper Samples

NOTE: Your name is never on the paper when it is submitted. On the title page is only your title and word count.

1- High School Foreign Language Education.pdf (survey example)

2- Food Deserts.pdf (content analysis, defining)

3- ADHD and Comorbidity.pdf (content analysis)

4-.Speech,Gender,Politicspdf.pdf (content analysis, and video research)

AP Digital Portfolio Student User Guide for AP Capstone